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Rachael Jablo is a Berlin-based US-American artist who works with photography, installation and collage. Dealing with issues of the feminine, the body and mythology using botany and abstraction, she joins analog photographic techniques with collage to create floating wall installations large and small, as well as the occasional traditional photography. Her work has been seen recently in Collagistas Festival in Brussels and Milan, the Analogue Now Photography Festival in Berlin, and at the Museum für Fotographie in Braunschweig. Her work has been featured on Booooooom, Lensculture and, and her book, My days of losing words, was published by Kehrer Verlag in 2013.
Interview with Newfound Journal
Lensculture Magazine: SF Camerawork Circus
Märkische Allgemeine: Kunst im Zeichen des Lichts und der Farben
Leben in der Löwenstadt: Historie, die ins Heute strahlt
UCLA Health: Woman survives year migraine, shares photographic journey with med students
The Takeaway (WNYC): Relearning language through photography
Slate Behold: Interview about My days of losing words
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